The Graduate Program in Science and Technology / Chemistry (PPG-CTQ) of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) has published the partial results for the Master’s and Doctoral Candidates for admission in September 2024.

For the full list of accepted admissions, as well as more information, click here.

According to the selection process calendar (item 2.1 of Call No. 42/2024), candidates who disagree with the list presented in the previous item have from August 7th to 14th 2024 to submit an appeal. Appeals should be sent to and the subject of the message should be “APPEAL RESULT – Selection Process 2024.3/CTQ – candidate’s full name”.

According to item 6.3 of Call No. 42/2024, transcribed below:

“6.3. It is the candidate’s responsibility to monitor the publication of all acts, notices and communications relating to this process on the Graduate Program in Science and Technology / Chemistry website. (”

For more information contact:


Call 42/2024 – Partial results for the Master’s and Ph.D. selection process