The Graduate Program in Science and Technology / Chemistry (PPG-CTQ) of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) has published the list of accepted applications after appeal for the Master’s and Doctoral Candidates for admission in September 2024.

For the full list of accepted applications after appeal, as well as more information, click here.

The schedule for the next stages of the selection process, in accordance with item 2.1 of Call No. 42/2024, is shown below:

  • Parcial Results announcement: until August 7th 2024
  • Appeal requisition for the parcial result: from August 7th to 14th 2024
  • Selection process final result announcement: until August 15th 2024
  • Request for registration in graduate courses – from August 27th to 30th 2024, according to the academic PROPG calendar, to be announced in
  • Beginning of classes – September 16th 2024, according to the academic PROPG calendar, to be announced in

Also, according to item 6.2 of Call No. 42/2024, transcribed below:

“6.2. The ranking, in order of priority for awarding scholarships from the Program, will be divided into two groups, in the following order: candidates who send the documents from Group I of item 5.2.1 and candidates who send the documents from Group II of item 5.2.1.

6.2.1. For the purposes of classification, the academic merit of the candidates will be considered, comprising an assessment of the following aspects:

– Candidates who send in the documents for Group I: performance in the Unified Exam of Chemistry (EUQ) or GRE, with candidates who obtain a performance equal to or greater than the equivalent of (75v±1)% of the average mark of the exam taken being approved;
– Candidates who sent the Group II documents: research project (40% of the grade), academic transcripts and Lattes CV (40% of the grade), and 2 (two) letters of recommendation (20% of the grade), will be approved if they obtain a performance equal to or greater than 85% of the total, considering all the criteria. The items that will be considered in relation to the Lattes CV are described in Annex 2”

According to item 6.3 of Call No. 42/2024, transcribed below:

“6.3. It is the candidate’s responsibility to monitor the publication of all acts, notices and communications relating to this process on the Graduate Program in Science and Technology / Chemistry website. (”

For more information contact:

Call 42/2024 – Applications accepted after appeal for the Master’s and Ph.D. selection process