A Disciplina CTQ-010 Tópicos Avançados em Processos de Transformação será ministrada pelo Prof. Pierre Dixneuf com carga concentrada nos dias 05, 06 e 07/Jul após o almoço. O Prof. Dixneuf é um dos Químicos mais conceituados na França, com cerca de 450 artigos publicados, além de livros e patentes.

O curso abordará “Metal Catalysts and Catalysis for Green processes” para alunos de todas as subáreas da Química. Veja a ementa abaixo:


i)  Presenting the principles of homogeneous catalysis by transition metal complexes, acting as soluble catalysts, based on fundamental reactions, and of applications to Green Chemistry.

ii) Providing  examples of selective transformations of  alkynes using various activation processes with cheap ruthenium catalysts.

iii) Offering practical applications of alkene metathesis for the  production of fine chemicals, and involving substrates arising from biomass.

iv) Demonstrating that cross coupling reactions from inert C-H bonds activation can lead to selective C-C, C-O, C-N bond formation. Various Pd, Ru, Rh and Ir catalysts will be used to illustrate various complementary applications and fundamentals of mechanisms will be discussed for both sp2 C-H and sp3 C-H bond activations.

v) Building new catalytic processes of industrial importance based on new pincer type metal complexes

vi) Showing the potential of photoredox  catalysts to perform simple transformations.

Disciplina CTQ-010 Tópicos Avançados em Processos de Transformação – 2017.2